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tv   BBC World News  PBS  July 18, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc world news." funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its global expertise to work for a wide range of companies.
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what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> welcome to "newsday" on the bbc. we're in singapore and london. the headlines. the crisis escalates as another top policeman resigns, man from "news of the world" is found dead. >> the mcenroe zone debt crisis worsens. the major banks prompt a stock market slump. and forcing a closer alliance, hillary clinton builds bridges on a two-day trip to india. it's 9:00 oom here in singapore. >> it's 2:00 a.m. here in london broadcasting to viewers on pbs in america and around the world, this is "news day."
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>> a second senior british police officer has resigned in connection with the scandal over phone hacking and alleged corruption in rupert murdoch's newspaper empire. police commissioner john yates said he had been i don't think in 2009 not to reopen an investigation into the affair, but had acted with complete integrity. meanwhile, the journalist who first claimed that andy knew about alleged malpractices at the "news of the world" has been found dead at his home. >> he is yates of the yard no longer, resigning just a day after his boss, the commissioner of the metropolitan police, both paying the price for failing to get to grips with the hacking scandal. so said the mayor of london. >> i regret to say they have
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just come off the phone with a.c. john yates who has tendered his resignation. >> boris johnson insisted that both men had jumped and were not pushed. he made it abundantly clear he did everything to encourage them. >> i think the support to john yates and the issues and questions and circumstances is going to make it very difficult for them to continue to do their jobs in a way that they wanted. >> john yates began the day determined not to resign telling colleagues he wouldn't submit to trial by media. he ended it explaining why he was going. >> we in the police service are truly accountable. those of us who take on the most difficult jobs clearly have to stand up and be counted when things go wrong. sadly, there continues to be a huge amount of inaccurate, ill-informed and on occasions
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down right mylicious gossip being published about me personally. this has the potential to be a significant distraction in my current role as the national lead for counterterrorism. >> this is the man whose arrest caused a crisis, the former democrat editor of the "news of the world" neil wallace. scotland yard admitted two years ago they had hired him to help them improve their public relations. it has emerged that his daughter worked for the metropolitan police and john yates is alleged to help her get the job. when he went to downing street to learn how to restore the image, he made no mention of the relationship with neil waltz. it was that failure to be open that cost him and john yates they're careers. what divides the prime minister and the men from the met is oddly what also connects them. both hired former "news of the
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world" men to improve their image, the former editor, his deputy neil wallace was hired by yates and stevenson. all insist that they knew nothing about hacking. >> welcome, >> thank you very much. >> the prime minister is on an awkwardly timed trip to south africa. he will return home to make another statement on hacking disputing the holiday by a day. the labor leader says he is incapeable to give the leadership that is required. >> the country needs strong and responsive leadership to restore trust. the prime minister is unable to show that leadership because of the decision he made to andy andy in the first place, because of his failure to answer clear questions about andy, about him being brought into the heart of downing street and also his inexplicable failure to apologize for his terrible error of judgment in hiring andy. >> speaking before the news of john yates' resignation, david
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cameron insists there was no comparison between his behavior and that of the metropolitan police. >> i don't believe the two situations are the same in any shape or form. in terms of andy, no one has argued that the week he did in government in any way was inappropriate or bad. he worked well in government. he then left government. there is a contrast with the metropolitan police where clearly at the police, the issues have been around whether or not the investigation is being pursued properly. >> tonight the phone hacking inquiry is making yet more extraordinary headlines. police officers are at the home of the former "news of the world" showbiz reporter sean hoare. his death is being described as unexplained but not suspicious.
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nick be robinzon, bbc news, westminster. >> the sun newspaper owned by rupert murdoch's news international has suffered a huge attack by computer hackers. anyone trying to go to the website was turned to another website. posted reports on the company's websites fallsly claiming that rupert murdoch had been found dead. well, earlier we spoke to a professor from the democracy institute. this is likely to be an insightful one. >> i think the surprise that we can in a perverse sense look forward to is that the murdoches i think in a comparative sense be somewhat forth right, somewhat comparatively insightful than we would have expected because their attempts to say as little
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as possible in recent days and weeks have failed and failed miserablely. they will belatedly see the sense in becoming more forthcoming. they will be more forth right compared to rebecca brooks if she does show up because of the huge legal cloud now directly over her head, it will be difficult for her, i think to be as candid as she may have intended to be otherwise. it will be that much more difficult for the m.p.'s interrogating her to ask the same types of questions they had planned because no one wants to wreck what is now a criminal investigation and of course may become one in terms of the murdoches themselves. >> officials from the american state department and the libyan government held a one-day face-to-face meeting. officials say the talks were a positive step forward. the americans say they delivered a firm message that colonel gaddafi must step down. steve kington in washington
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gave me the latest. >> what we know is that this meeting took place on saturday in the tunisian capital from the american side, the u.s. ambassador to libya until this crisis blew up in february, together with the senior state department official for the region. they were the representatives of the united states. we don't know who was at the meeting from the libyan side. we don't know who called the meeting, but we do have kind of a rundown from state department officials here in washington. they say there was a clear, firm, and unam bigious message was delivered to the libyans from the americans. the only way forward, the only way out of the military situation that the country finds himself in now is for "colonel gaddafi to step down." that is the message that the americans took. >> steve kingston, there.
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spanish police have broke up a major operation of laundering money from drug trafficking. the police have gave videos to the media of digging up some of the money under the floor of a madrid mansion. when all of the cash was counted, it totaled 23 million mcenroes. the european stock markets have been falling. fears continuing over the health of the banking industry. >> that's right, the banking industry and the debt crisis. uero zone leaders are going to meet again to consider a second bailout loan for "grease." they're struggling how to do it. it comes as timothy geithner is acting more forcefully to solve the debt crisis. >> the color says it all, world markets in the red on monday, investors worried about europe's debt crisis. the contagion swept to
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portugal. italy and spain might be next. the mood in milan was downbeat. in the end it's us ordinary citizens who end up footing the bill. we can't do anything about it. we have no control over the situation. across the atlantic, the closing bell brought more bad news. u.s. markets also down partly on worries about the uero. much now depends on them, europe's leaders. they will meet later this week to discuss the problems in the euro zone. this crisis won't pass quickly. if the continent's leaders can't agree on a solution, it's likely to get much worse. >> now the american secretary of state hillary clinton is on a two-day trip to india. it's her second visit to delhi as secretary of state. she is hoping to strengthen the political and economic relationship between india and the united states.
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our state department correspondent has more from washington. >> when hillary clinton sits down with indian officials, pakistan and afghanistan will be on everybody's mind. delhi is worried about security this is a subject that those two countries have never comprehensively addressed with each other. unless they can reach some accommodation on their conflicting interests and indeed suspicions in afghanistan, there will be no regional compact piece for afghanistan. >> but beyond just afghanistan
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>>óqptf@& working together and do business together. $1.3 trillion economy is a big market for the utah and there lots of talk about investment opportunities during mrs. clinton's visit. >> you're watching "newsday." still to come on the program, the aid agency that had controversy by handing out less
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aid in uganda. >> and murdoch and sons prepare to answer questions about phone hacking corruption. we assess the future of news corp. south africans have celebrated former president's nelson mandela 93rd birthday. he spent the day with family in his home village where he was also visited by the president. millions of school children sang him a special birthday song before lessons began. >> smiling and surrounded by family members, these photos show mandiba as he is affectionately called with his family, three generations of them. the elderly statesman celebrated on monday with a party of school children at his home in his childhood village.
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[happy birthday to you ♪ >> across the country, school children sang a special version of the birthday song, happy birthday dada, mandiba. two years ago it was mandela day. and his wife and his daughter joined locals to harvest wheat and plant seeds in the village. others also volunteered six to seven minutes of their time to work in the local community. one minute for every year of nelson mandela's political service. the former south african president hasn't been seen in public since he fell ill earlier this year. he has been receiving medical care at home since being hospitalized suffering from respiratory disease. he quietly celebrated at home, school children sang in
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assemblies across the country in hopes of setting a new world record of individuals singing to one person at the same time. >> on the bbc, i'm in singapore. >> i'm in london. >> the headlines this hour. u.k.'s phone hacking crisis has escalated. the top policeman has resigned and the man who was first to allege widespread phone hacking at the "news of the world" has been found dead. >> u.s. officials have met representatives from the libyan government at a secret location to demand colonel gaddafi steps down. >> let's get more on the phone hacking story. over in the u.s., the prominent democrat senator dick durbin is calling for both an f.b.i. and
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a congressional investigation into whether any whether u.s. laws have been broken by rupert murdoch's media empire. allegations against the corporation race questions about whether it violated the foreign acts. we are joined from new york. thank you for joining us. looking at where the legalities lie in the u.s., tell us where the jurisdiction lies in the u.s. for this. >> the u.s. has a statute called the foreign corrupt practices act that makes it illegal for u.s. companies, but also others, to bribe foreign officials in order to get busine3ey the statute has a broad reach and it has been applied in circumstances where there was bribery of a foreign official and very little nexus to the united states. >> and looking at the phone hacking allegations, when we
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consider the charges that the murdoch organization are facing here regarding intercepting communications, what kind of illegal activity could that be in the u.s.? what is that termed of? >> it could be considered illegal wiretapping in violation of u.s. law. they would have to, again, be some nexus to the united states, some u.s. phone line stats that were subject to the illegal activity. >> when we look at the u.s. foreign corrupt practices act, what questions need to be raised whether or not news corp violated that act in particular? >> well, there are several questions as a matter of law. i think maybe even more importantly, as a matter of policy. it is true that the police officers who allegedly were bribed would be considered foreign officials under the foreign corrupt practices act. it's also true that news corp
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is a u.s. issuer because its shares are traded in the united states and therefore, it's subject to the fcpa. there needs to be more of a nexus than what i just described for one thing. for a foreign person to be held liable, something had to have happened in the united states and at least based on what has come out so far, i don't think there is evidence of that. beyond that, the statute only applies to bribes that were paid for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. the typical example is winning a bid for a government contract. the purpose of the bribes here, assuming they took place, was to gather information for news reports. "news of the world" wasn't paying bribes to win a government contract or get some financial benefit from the government, so i think that would also be a significant hurdle that u.s. law enforcement officials would have to overcome to make it a violation of the statute here.
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>> very interesting, gary, thank you very much for taking us through that. >> international appeals continue for the child victims of east africa. charities are monitoring a controversial aid experiment in nearby uganda. the u.n. has been restricted food handouts to people in one region to try to make them less dependent on aid, but an increasing number of families in this area are complaining of severe shortages and some are sending their children to the capital to beg. our correspondent reports. >> tiny hands outstretched. a child begs for money on a busy street. he is 3 years old. he is not the only one. their families know they're here. their job is to send money back home.
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guided by a charity helping the children, i established that he is being looked after by a 13-year-old girl. >> i took them over to the village and headed off to find their families. it's in one of the poorest places in the world. it is also the focus of a u.n. experiment to try to end people's reliance on aid. the last time i was here in january, i found children so hungry that they were having to eat raw get skin. this time we found his village. charities say more and more children like him are being sent to beg because of the shortage of food. everybody recognizes him, none tries to hide that their children are begging.
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how many children from this village are doing this? >> about 60, she said, just from this village. >> do you have any other children here? >> she will go, too? >> yeah. >> so what do the ugandan authorities say? >> we have arrested several adults not even related to the children who lure the children to put them in trucks. >> some children do get help. these now in school were rescued by a small church charity. now 10, she begged for five years. at night, they would come and
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beat me and steal my money. i feel safe now. a handful of saved of the many thousands suffering ill treatment every day. the u.n. says its experiment is one of tough choices and it's now drawing up a plan to stop this. >> now showing you there is a new initiative underway to solve a duss dispute about who owns the south china sea. what more can you tell us? >> that's right. a new initiative because the area has potentially rich reserves of oil and gas. it also has some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. there is no surprise that the china, the philippines and all have conflicting territorial claims. the association of southeastern asian nations are holding a meeting and are trying to find a way to resolve the dispute.
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i asked how confident he was that the countries could agree on a code of conduct in the south china sea? >> there is a sense of urgency here in southeast ace and in china, too, that we will have to send a positive signal out to the world that china and others can manager and manager effectively the differences between some of our member states and china. >> while china has agreed with both vietnam and the philippines to try to reach meaningful decisions to these disputes, it's insistent that these areas belong to it. how are you planning to persuade all to agree to a code of conduct when they haven't been settled?
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>> in the final analysis, the claimants will have to settle their differences quite literally between themselves. the four member states, the philippines, vietnam and others have claimed over some parts of south china sea. this is a forum, a process, an opportunity for all sides to come to an agreement that they will conduct their relations peacefully and that the world will not have to worry because all of our member states have some interests in the peaceful conduct over the south china sea and the opening up and the freeing of the shipping lanes going through that part of the
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water. so the best way is to come to some form of agreement and that's what we're working on. >> and you have been watching "news day" from the bbc. i'm from singapore. >> i'm from london. let's bring you a reminder of our main stories this hour. another police officer has resigned in britain as the phone hacking allegations continue to grow. john yates said he was wrong in 2009 not to reopen the investigation into phone hacking, but has acted with complete integrity. rupert murdoch alongside his son james murdoch and the chief executive of news international here in the u.k. will appear before parliamentary select committee at 2:30 u.k. time. you have been watching news on the bbc. thanks for watching.
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♪ ♪ >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet los presented by kcet los angeles.
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